We live in a time where it’s not uncommon to be doing more, but accomplishing less. Our lives are constantly in motion. Every day has “something” that we have to do, whether it’s for work, for the kids, with family and friends, or an obligation that you feel you need to accomplish to fit within societal norms. When we’re not busy doing this activity or that, then we’re spending more time than ever watching tv or trying to decompress.
We’re being pulled in five different directions. And when we try to fulfill everyone else’s needs, it feels like we’re going to be torn apart. So, we decide to hold off on our own ambitions. We “get by” and do the bare minimum to not lose our standing amongst our peers, co-workers, etc., but we don’t accomplish what is important to ourselves. Is that really how we should be living life?
Instead of doing what everyone else wants you to do, find what moves the needle for you. What gets you excited? What is actually important to you and how can you do more of that? What do you loathe doing and how can you do less of that?
How can you accomplish more by doing less? Can you focus on higher quality time and interactions instead of high quantities of meaningless action? Can you be more effective and efficient with your time?
Make sure that you are saying no to the trivial, so you can say yes to your most important/highest priorities. You’ll not only move the needle further, but you’ll feel more fulfilled.