The truth is in your actions

What are your true priorities, not just what you tell yourself/others? What do you spend the most time doing? What do you spend your money on? If you look at those answers, it will tell you what is truly important to you.

If you say family time is important, but spend all of your time with them on the phone, what are you telling your family with your actions? If you say that you want to retire early, but spend everything you earn, is it really early retirement that you want? If you say your physical health is important, but decide to eat junk food and not workout, what is the real truth? If you say that intelligence is important to you, but you haven’t picked up a book since you graduated from high school/college, do you really care about improving your mental capacity?

You are what you do. Think about what you want your priorities to be and then take actions that reflect those priorities.


Everyone makes mistakes. We’re human. We say things we shouldn’t have said or do things we shouldn’t have done. Remember to forgive those who you feel have wronged you, because chances are that you’re not without fault either. Don’t dwell on the negative.

If you had a long relationship with someone and it didn’t end the way that you would have liked, don’t hold a grudge. When I think about this, it reminds me of a quote by Dr. Seuss, which reads, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

Be grateful for your time with that person, remember the good times, and move on. You can’t change or recreate the past. If regrettable actions were taken or words spoken, forgive them and forgive yourself. Mistakes happen – big and small. Don’t let a couple of mistakes define how you view that person or yourself.


Be confident, but not boastful or arrogant. A humble confidence is what you should be striving for.

If you lack confidence right now, fake it. Act confident. Keep your head up, shoulders back, an easy smile on your face, and speak clearly and with a firmness to your voice. Look others in the eyes when you’re having a conversation with them.

If you appear meek, unsure, and as if you lack confidence, whoever you are speaking with will pick up on it. They will take over the conversation. And if you’re not careful, they will bend the conversation to fit their needs and leave out your own.

You are your thoughts

You are your thoughts. You are what you tell yourself and the world is what you say it is. You can find truths in nearly anything you say and you can twist facts to suit your story. Will you choose to be positive and make it a happy story? Or will you choose to tell yourself a darker tale? Choose wisely. Your happiness depends on your thoughts and your attitude.