All around the world, countries are issuing different versions of self-isolating quarantines. It is important to remember that while some people view this time as a scary time or, just the opposite, as time off to do whatever they want, you should take this time to prioritize your health. See the tips below for a starter guide to improve our different kinds of health.
1. Get enough sleep. For those of you who are continually sleep-deprived, now is the time to take advantage of your lack of sleep. Getting more sleep now won’t make up for when you didn’t sleep before, but it will improve your memory, help your body recover more quickly, and boost your mood.
2. Move your body. You have no excuse not to exercise now – there is no long commute and you aren’t stuck in the office for 10+ hour days. With the gyms being closed, you can still go for a walk/bike ride, do body weight exercises (like pushups, squats, lunges, toe touches, sit-ups, etc), or do yoga (there are some great videos on YouTube).
3. Eat on a normal schedule. It’s going to be tempting to eat more frequently when you’re at home. You’re not on your normal schedule, but you should try your best to mimic your normal eating habits (unless they were already poor eating habits). Watch out that you don’t just eat because you’re bored. And when you go to the store, avoid buying junk food. I can’t help myself to eat poorly of junk food is around, so I remedy this by not buying any in the first place.
4. Get some fresh air. Have you ever noticed how much better you feel when you go outside and soak up some sunshine? Have you taken the time to breathe the fresh air after leaving an air conditioned building? It’s amazing. Go for a walk/hike. At night, look at the stars. Wake up early and watch the sun rise. Whatever you do, try not to be glued to screens all day. This will drive you crazy.
5. Improve your mind. Read/listen to a book. Write (either in a journal format, a short story, or finally get started on writing the book that you never had time for). Draw, paint, or color. Do puzzles. Take an online course or try the LinkedIn learning courses. Do anything to stay sharp. Don’t just use this time to binge watch tv or get caught up in social media (hint: you’ll never be fully caught up with it).
6. Dig into your finances. Are you feeling stressed because of a job lay-off or furlough? That’s understandable. But you can avoid this stress in the future by addressing it now. It will be hard work, but if you work Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps, you can put yourself to be in a position of strength, instead of weakness. And right now, he is offering Financial Peace University free for the next two weeks! Take advantage of your time off and get your finances in order now.
These are a few key tips that we can all follow to improve our lives during this trying time. Try these today and see if you feel any differently than yesterday. My guess is that you will feel better about your day, which is all we can ask for at this time.
If you have any suggestions for me or the rest of the group, be sure to add them in the comments!
Thanks and be well!