There are several versions of “The Tale of Two Wolves,” but the one I’m most familiar goes something like this…
“We each have two wolves inside of us. We have a negative wolf and a positive wolf, and they fight on a daily basis. Which wolf wins the most? The one you feed…the wolf you feed grows stronger with each meal, while the other slowly gets weaker.”
Feed the positive wolf. Don’t be a Debbie downer. Don’t be Eeyore. That negative attitude/energy is contagious and will spread to everyone around you. It is like the plague and once it gets going, it’s hard to stop.
Be the positive force that you need to be to create or sustain a positive team. You only have control over your actions/beliefs, but your actions, beliefs, and attitudes have the ability to influence others.
You also have the choice of who you spend time with. If you are in a toxic environment, get out! You wouldn’t keep a cancerous growth because you’ve been with it since the beginning or because you think it will change its ways. It’s a cancer! And it needs to be removed immediately. Cut out those negative influences from your life and you will live a happier life. Get rid of the drama.