
“The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Make sure that you’re taking care of your health! Eat the right foods, get enough sleep, drink water, limit caffeine/alcohol consumption, work out, read, take time for yourself. If you don’t take care of your health now, you’ll pay for it in the future.

Thinking long-term

“If you do not conquer yourself, you will be conquered by yourself.” – Napoleon Hill

Don’t save what’s left after spending. Spend what’s left after saving. Live below your means. Pay yourself first. Sacrifice a little now, in the short-term, and it will more than pay off for a better future.

Run your personal life like a business. You should always be turning a profit. Stop spending everything you earn on unnecessary material objects and instead, invest in your future! Compound interest will be your best friend.

Stop comparing yourself to others

When your goal is to be better than your competition, as opposed to just focusing on being the best version of yourself, you are limiting yourself. Your threshold has now become whatever your competition is plus one. You need only to clear their hurdle and you win. But who knows how much more you can do?

Don’t focus on what those around you are doing. Stick to your processes (and realize that they’re never a finished product, so look for ways to improve them). Look towards becoming the best version of yourself to maximize your potential.

A Few Thoughts on Leadership

Just because someone is a manager or boss does not make that person a leader. A leader is someone who others want to follow. Anyone can be a leader, even if they are not in a leadership role.

If you want to be a leader, act how you would want your leader to lead. Lead by example. Hold yourself to a higher standard, but don’t turn your nose up at those who don’t keep the same standards as yourself.

Be kind, but firm. Be honest and fair. Hold others accountable, but don’t forget to hold yourself accountable as well. A leader doesn’t make excuses.

Leaders should be approachable and generally have positive attitudes. Leaders should build up their teammates, not tear them down. They should have others follow them because they are respected, not feared.

A leader also knows how to clearly communicate the collective team goal so that everyone is aiming at the same target. A leader gives their team leeway on how to accomplish the mission, as long as they are playing within certain rules. They don’t micromanage.

These are just a few attributes of a leader. We should all be working on these attributes, because even if you don’t view yourself as a leader, others might.

Act as if the world were watching

“Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” – Thomas Jefferson

Always put forth your best effort. If you commit to something, do it to the best of your ability. If you act as if all eyes are on you at all times, you’re less likely to cut corners or to coast to mediocre results.

Another quote that I like, although I can’t recall who said it, is “act in accordance to how you want others to perceive you.” So, if you want others to think that you are generous, humble, and kind, then be generous, humble, and kind to others! Work to be your best self as frequently as possible.