Competing with Excellence

From Ben Bergeron in his book Chasing Excellence:

“It’s easy to compete with excellence when things are going your way; maintaining your composure when everything seems to be working against you is far more impressive…”

“After a bad performance, it’s natural to feel frustrated and emotional. It’s easy to say you’re turning the page, but it’s much harder to control the negative thoughts that want to drift back into your mind. Like everything else, it’s a skill that needs to be practiced every day.”

The bottom line is that mistakes will happen. Nobody is perfect. We have to be ok with making the occasional mistake, because if you don’t make any mistakes you’re not challenging yourself enough. What we want to eliminate is the easily avoidable mistakes…mistakes made from a lack of preparation, care, attention, or effort.

What causes you to act? Inspiration or desperation?

Are you going to let inspiration move you to action? Or will it be desperation that forces your hand?

Be proactive. When you feel inspired to do something, do it. Don’t procrastinate.

Follow your interests, passions, and dreams. Set lofty goals that get you excited and figure out how to achieve those goals. Don’t wait for life to pass you by, or to let a bad situation get so bad that it forces you to change (even if you’re not ready). Make moves from a position of strength, not a position of weakness (desperation).

How your mindset can affect happiness

You don’t “have to” do something, you “get to” do it.

You don’t “have to” go to your kid’s soccer games, band concert, or Halloween party, you “get to” do this. You’re lucky to have a child when others want one, but can’t get pregnant or afford IVF or adoption. You’re lucky to be able to be able to afford paying for a recreational activity, or to be able to take off of work to spend time with them.

You don’t “have to” go to work, you “get to” go to work. You’re lucky to be able to provide for yourself and your family. Plenty of people can’t find a job (or at least not a job that pays as well as yours or one that they like as much as you do).

These are just a couple of examples, but you can apply the “I get to”-kind of attitude in any situation. The point is, we have opportunities that others would only dream of having. We are so incredibly blessed, but, because we’re living in the moment, we often take those opportunities for granted.

Change your mindset to one of gratitude. Your happiness (and sometimes the happiness of those around you) depends on your attitude. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, if you are dating/married to the most beautiful/handsome person in the world, if you’re on vacation, or if you’re retired…none of that matters if your attitude sucks. Some people seem to have it all and yet they still aren’t happy. They’re not content. Make sure you don’t become one of those people. Be happy with what you have. Be happy that you “get to” do the things that others want to do.

This too shall pass

Good or bad, this too shall pass.

Remember, when you have a bad day, things just seem to stacking your against you, or everything seems to be going wrong, this too shall pass. What you’re feeling is only temporary. If you made a mistake, take it to heart and learn from it. Don’t let the pain of today get you down. Use this pain to teach yourself to be better. Keep your head up because tomorrow is a new day.

The same can be said for when things are going your way. Life won’t always be sunshine and butterflies. Life is hard. So when you feel as if you’re on top of the world, enjoy the moment. But keep an eye out for stumbling blocks to trip you, because once again, this too shall pass.


“The way to get things done is not to mind who gets credit for doing them.” – Benjamin Jowett

It’s not about getting the glory. If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go with a team.

If everyone focused on doing their part for the collective good of the team, you would be amazed at the things you can accomplish.