The best risk I’ve ever taken is asking my now wife for her phone number. It can be scary sometimes to put yourself in a position to be turned down or to “fail.” But the answer will always be “no” if you don’t ask. You may not always get what you want, but you’ll almost never get it if you don’t ask. If you’re not willing to take the chance to be rejected, you’ll always be wondering “what if?”…
After getting Allison’s phone number, we didn’t go out right away. In fact, she told me that she wasn’t ready to date anybody. That type of news can affect you. It can hurt you. But you can tuck your tail and walk away, or you can keep going.
When things don’t go your way, it’s decision time. You’re at a fork in the road…you can choose to go all in or pull back. Once again, it’s about taking risks. If you hedge your bets, trying to save face, you’re giving yourself an out. How can you expect to succeed if you don’t give it your all? But if you go all in and double down on your efforts, you will drastically improve your odds of success.
You have to weigh the potential costs and compare that to your benefits. Some risks are worth it. In my case above, the risk was being rejected, which could damage my ego. But the rewards could last a lifetime! It was definitely worth trying…
Don’t be afraid to take risks. The rewards can be greater than you ever imagined.