Be obsessed or be average

“Be obsessed or be average.” ⁃ Grant Cardone

Have you ever met someone who was head and shoulders better at what they did compared to others in their field? Chances are, this didn’t happen by accident. Natural ability can give you a leg up when you’re starting out, but to stand out amongst the standouts, you have to be obsessed with improving your craft.

Malcolm Gladwell touches on this with his 10,000 hour rule, where he states it takes approximately 10,000 hours of doing something to master it. You have to put in the practice and gain the experience to master something.

But it’s not just about going through the motions. You have to intentionally plan out what you’re going to do. You have to look at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You have to keep up with market trends and know the market so well that you can predict future trends. You have to eat, sleep, and breathe whatever it is you’re trying to be the best at in order to make it work. You need to read about it, talk about it, listen about it, connect with others who are experts, and go experience it for yourself. In short, you need to be obsessed or else you’ll end up “average.”

Impact and self-worth

Don’t get your sense of self worth from what you do for money or how much you have of it. Instead, think of what value you bring to those around you.

How will others remember you when you die? If you were to ask everyone you know what 3 adjectives describe you, what would they say? Would you be happy with how others think of you or do you need to start living differently?

Your impact on others will be remembered far greater than how much money you earned or what you did professionally…

Facing discomfort

If you’re not good at something, stop avoiding it. Charge ahead into it!

It feels uncomfortable to be bad at something, especially when you are used to being average or above average in most things that you care about. But if you keep avoiding that which you are not good at, it will only hide your weakness for so long. Eventually that weakness will be exposed, often times in front of many people (causing even more embarrassment).

It’s best to just face your discomfort and/or your perceived weaknesses head on… Because really, why are you avoiding it if not for either fear of other peoples perceptions or your fear of being uncomfortable?

Complaining and being stuck in place

If you complain about one aspect of your life, yet do nothing about it, chances are that you will still be complaining about it one year from now.

Most people complain because it gives them a sense of relief. It makes them feel like they are doing something about it, when really they are just venting. But if it really bothers you that much, you have to do something about it or else it will always be the same.

How many people complain about their jobs and are still there in five years?

How many people complain about their health and it’s stays the same or gets even worse in 10 years?

Stop complaining. Instead, go do something about it. If you aren’t living the life you want, it’s not someone else’s responsibility to make your dream a reality. It’s up to you to make that happen.

Tips to wake up happy during the early hours of the morning

Tips to wake up happy during the early hours of the morning…

1) When your alarm goes off, get up with a smile. Be excited that you get to your work out, read, have some alone time. Don’t snooze. Don’t procrastinate.

2) Go to the bathroom and splash some cold water on your face. Run your wrists under cold water too. This will help wake you up.

3) Whatever you think about, you will become…if you think about how tired you are, you’ll remain tired. If you think about how excited you are, you’ll get excited. Train yourself to think positive thoughts.

4) Drink plenty of water. After not drinking any water for ~8 hours, your body is dehydrated. After drinking ~16+ ounces of water, then you can get something caffeinated.

5) When setting up at night before, try not to get too much screen time, review your upcoming day, drink some water (but not too much), lay out your workout clothes for the next morning, and go to bed early to make sure you get enough sleep.