How bad do you want it?

There’s a difference between wanting something if it comes to you and wanting to make it so bad that you are willing to put in the effort to make it happen.

For example, I want $1 million. It would be nice if I somehow won $1 million. But that’s not likely. So if I really want it, am I willing to put forth the effort to earn it?

I want to set personal records for strength and conditioning, but I am I willing to push myself hard every single day in the gym, eating the right things, focusing on flexibility and mobility work, and get enough sleep and recovery.

I want to have the perfect family life. But I have to want it badly enough to balance between personal care (where I am making sure I can still be the best version of myself), and spending quality time, helping out around the house, showing the kids great work ethic, respecting and loving my wife/their mother, etc.

Everyone “wants” better, but how badly do you want it? Are you willing to do the work? Everybody wants the best, but not many people are willing to put in the required blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen. Are you going to just be a daydreamer? Or are you going to take massive action to live your best life?

Stay away from negative people

Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. ​
Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.

However good or bad life is, a lot of it depends on your mindset.

Negative people? They have a problem for every solution.

Positive people find solutions to every problem.

How is it that someone working the same profession as someone else finds working 40 hours to be miserable and is always complaining, while the other person is putting in 55 hours and you don’t hear a peep from them?

How is it that one person gets up early if they want time to themselves or to work on a task, but another person sleeps in and complains there’s not enough time in the day?

I could go on and on with examples. But the point is that life is what it is. The circumstances are similar for all of us, but it’s how we view the circumstances (how we interpret them) that makes a difference. Do you want to be a positive person or a negative person? And do you want to hang out with positive people or negative people? Find solutions. Be the solution. And stomp out the problems.

Thinking BIG

How can you get twice the results with only half of the effort? Think about it. TWICE the results and HALF of the effort. Not twice the results with the same effort or the same results with half of the effort. How can we think bigger?

By trying to find a way to get twice the results with only half of the effort, it requires some outside the box thinking. If everyone does something the same way, with the same effort and same attitude, then luck PlayStation biggest role in the differences of the final outcome. But if you think radically different and try to innovate – doing something new, you can see radical results.

Michelangelo once said, “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”

Think big. Whatever you think your goals are, 10X them. That will really push you. It will make you think differently. Even if you miss your new goal, at the very least, you’ll probably still achieve more than your initial (non-10X) goal.

Asking for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you really need it. If you’ve exhausted your resources and have given an honest effort to solve the problem on your own, it’s not only OK to ask a question, but it’s smart to ask for guidance from someone who may be able to help you find the answer you’re looking for. The key word here is guidance though…They should be guiding you, but you still need to put in the legwork to make it happen. You should be actively helping to make it happen and not passively watching someone else do the work for you.

Run towards something

Don’t just run away from something. Make sure you are running towards something else. For example, if you are leaving your job, you might be justified in doing so because you don’t like that job or you feel like the energy in the building is toxic.

But that doesn’t mean that wherever you are going is going to be better. You need to have excitement for where you are going. What are you running towards? Don’t only run away from something, but make sure you are purposefully and intentionally picking something you think you’ll like.

Now is your chance to take a chance. If you’re already switching jobs, why not try to do something you really want to do. If you enjoy it (and it pays you well), where’s the harm in trying?