Timing is everything

Put a timeline on everything. When there is no time crunch, your effort and focus tends to dissipate. But if you are in a time crunch or have a deadline, you’ll get more done in less time. This is called Parkinson’s Law. Parkinson’s law says that work expands to fill the time available for completion. So, if you have a week to complete something, it you’ll usually take the full week to do it. But if you were only given three days to do it, you could do it in three days.

So, if you don’t have a timeline for when something needs to be achieved, you likely won’t focus on it enough to actually achieve it. This is why S.M.A.R.T. goals are timely. You need to have a time restriction to be your most productive.

Simplifying complex issues

Most people make simple problems and solutions very complex. Anybody can do that. Experts make the complex problems and solutions simple. They can clearly and concisely explain things in layman‘s terms and don’t have to use fancy words or industry jargon to try to prove their intelligence.

Work on listening more and speaking less. When you speak, do it clearly, concisely, and with confidence. Simplify your answer as much as is required – no more, no less.

3 Truths We Need To Remind Ourselves

1. Being active doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being productive.

2. Being efficient doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being effective.

3. Discipline doesn’t strip you of freedom, discipline equals freedom.

Don’t get caught up focusing on the wrong things. We can easily become distracted checking off items on out To Do list, but if they aren’t producing value in your life (monetarily or by increasing your happiness), why are you doing it?

Are you optimizing things that don’t matter (being more efficient, even though it doesn’t improve the end result of the goals you’re trying to achieve)?

Are you thinking negatively about restrictions others have placed on you or that you’ve placed on yourself? Some rules are meant to be broken, but if you set up the right rules to improve your time, energy, or health, stick to them! Reduce decision fatigue by sticking to your self-imposed rules so you’re more likely to consistently make good decisions.

Delegate to elevate (your business)

Think of the “who” and not necessarily the “how.” Who can do the work you either don’t enjoy doing or are not good at doing? Don’t waste time trying to figure out how you can be better at something you dislike. Find a capable person with a good attitude, who you enjoy working with, and who has unquestioned ethics. Hire them. Share your vision with them (what you want the end result to look like). Then step out of the way and give them the autonomy to take ownership of how it gets done. It takes more off of your shoulders, empowers them (making them feel better about their work), and is ultimately the only way you can scale/grow your business larger.

You need to make sure there are processes in place to get the results, but don’t micromanage. If the work gets done and your integrity is boosted (or, at the very least, stays intact), why does it matter “how” the person you delegated the task to does it? Be about the results.

Mindset change to earn more money

How can we do more with less?

How can we earn more money in less time?

We need to figure this out, because eventually we all hit a limit for how much time we can spend doing something (time capacity). Instead of thinking “I make X dollars per hour, so I’ll just work more to make more money,” we need to focus on changing the type of equation we’re trying to solve.

It’s not a dollars for hours worked equation. It’s a dollars for impact equation. Focus on the big items that make the most impact and outsource the rest.