I recently listened to a podcast with Tim Ferriss, featuring Jim Collins. Jim is the very successful researcher and author of Good to Great, Built to Last, Great by Choice, and many others. Tim is a very successful writer in his own right, with best sellers including The 4-hour Workweek, Tools of Titans, and Tribe of Mentors, but he is probably better known for his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, these days.
In this interview, they brought up an interesting thought exercise regarding trust and relationships. The question posed by Jim was if you naturally trust others vs. if you feel they need to earn your trust. Does how you behave from the outset of meeting someone help to shape whether they become more trustworthy (at least when it comes to their behaviors/actions towards yourself)?
In other words, are your subtle actions (showing you trust/distrust them) serving to empower them? Will they work harder for you (if they are collaborating with you or an employee for you) because you implicitly trust them? Will they be kinder to you or have a better relationship with you because of the trust you have shown them from the beginning? Or, if you are distrusting and guarded at first, will it indirectly cause them to be more guarded? Will your lack of trust actually become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy and make that person act more untrustworthy?
It’s an unanswerable question, but a good one to think of…my actions affect myself, of course. But how are they affecting others (which, in turn, indirectly affect me yet again)?
Have you ever heard about the concept of diminishing returns? Basically, there’s a theory in economics that predicts that after some optimal level of capacity is reached, adding an additional factor of production will actually result in smaller increases in output. In other words, at some point, more is less and less is more.
For example, you can work out for 10 minutes and get good health benefits. But if you work out for 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or even 90 minutes, you will probably see greater health benefits. But at a certain point, the more you work out, the less beneficial it becomes. So if you work out for 8 hours per day, you probably are not letting your body recover properly. And instead of building your body up, you’re tearing it down.
Something that I know I need to work on is this topic when it has to do with self-improvement. I love reading, listening to audiobooks/podcasts, and learning new things. But I should not confuse reading/compiling more information for taking action. It is not a substitute for actually doing what I need to do in order to reach my goals. At some point, reading more on a subject is not going to help me anymore. So while it is tremendously beneficial in the beginning to read, consume information, and learn, at some point I will have to take action if I want to achieve my ambitions.
Bottom line: Learning prepares you to take action, but if you never do anything with the information you hoard, it’s almost like putting on floaties and never actually getting in the water when you’re learning to swim.
Exercise is a preventative medicine. As is food and sleep…how you treat your body has a wholistic effect on the other aspects of your life.
When you feel good, you perform well. When you feel bad, you perform poorly.
Regularly exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep are keys to feeling better about yourself. They give you confidence in how you look, they make you feel stronger, you’re less likely to get injured, and you’ll have more energy throughout the day. If you see other people when working out, it fills a relational gap that many people experience as well.
Everybody thinks of the physical benefits to your body when you work out and eat well, such as reducing your risk for developing type two diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and slowing down the aging process. But equally as important is how exercising and eating well can affect your attitude and mindset.
When you move with purpose, it does a couple of things for you. It releases endorphins, which make you feel good, and it gives you a sense of accomplishment, which also makes you feel good. Throw in the fact that those who exercise regularly are more resilient when facing challenges (they are used to doing something hard every day) and developing discipline (going/getting things done even when you don’t want to), which transfer over into your work life and personal life.
Fueling your body with the right nutrition is another key element to feeling good. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, get ready for beach season, or just want more energy/to feel healthier, having a diet that supports your body and your goals is important. Why sabotage yourself by fueling your body with ineffective “foods?”
The third physical element to feeling better is sleep. Sleeping helps to stave off colds, to let your mind think clearly, and to help your body recover from the workouts we mentioned above. You need a certain amount of sleep (quantity), but I feel that how much you get is less important than the quality that you get. I’d rather sleep straight through the night for 6 hours than have 8 hours of interrupted sleep all night. Naps are great, but not feasible for most (and this goes back to the quantity issue – naps should supplement your high quality sleep). Always go for quality over quantity.
Lastly, you need to support all three of these physical ways of improving your health by approaching each with a positive mindset. Your mind is so powerful and your body will often feel what your mind is telling it. So if you wake up and you think that you’re tired or sore, that you “hate” working out or that eating healthy “sucks,” all of it is affecting how you feel. You will be far less likely to continue eating correctly or exercising regularly if you have a negative attitude. And if you really do think that way, tell yourself otherwise. Lie to yourself until you feel good. Keep telling yourself how much you love working out, or that you enjoy the healthy food that is fueling your body, that you’re not tired. Don’t use excuses to fall back on bad habits. Exercise is medicine. So is nutrition. Use these to look, act, feel, and perform better. You won’t regret it.
Lastly, I’d like to leave you with a quote from Plato. He said, “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” So, today, tomorrow, and most days for the rest of your life, go out and exercise, eat well, and get some sleep. You will be all the better for it.
It can be very scary to ask that person out, to leave your job, to chase your dreams (or even to say them out loud). But without even attempting to do those things almost guarantees those things won’t happen. Sure, it might be more comfortable to do nothing. But without discomfort, you will never achieve your greatest goals.
My dad used to say that everyone experiences fear. They feel it too, whether they show it or not. You’re not alone. But it’s what you do with that fear that matters. Will you run from it? Or will you face it?
Don’t let fear stop you from living the life you’re meant to. Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of it. Be courageous. Stand up for what you believe in and take that next step towards living out your dreams.
You don’t “have to” do something. You “get to” do it. It is a privilege that you are able to take care of whatever task you are assigned with doing. There are many people out there less fortunate than you are. So your 3-month old is having trouble sleeping at night, crying, and keeping you awake? Well, you are blessed with the opportunity to console him/her. There are plenty of people in the world who desperately want children and, for whatever reason, are unable to have them. You had a fight with your parents? Some people have lost their parents prematurely.
Think about the big picture. Why stress over something so small like “having” to do something? Will this affect you next week? What about next year? Will you even remember this event in 10 years? Make the most of life. Enjoy it. Don’t sweat the small stuff.