Responding to failure

“Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it.” – Mia Hamm

How do you respond to failure? Do you mope around or let it get you down? Or do you learn from it – what not to do or where it went wrong? What actions can you take in the future to avoid making the same mistake?

Be ok with failing. Everyone will fail at something. But just make sure you’re making adjustments along the way so as to not make the same mistake twice.

Dressing appropriately

Dress to impress. You decide what that means…just keep in mind that first impressions count. Keep the setting in mind with where you are going/what you are doing. If you have any doubt in your mind between what you should wear, choose the “fancier” of the two options. I’d rather be overdressed for an occasion than underdressed (trust me, I’ve done both).

Compartmentalizing your life

Start your morning by energizing each part of your life – spiritual, physical, mental, emotional/relational, financial, and career. Take time to be grateful for what you have presently, the past experiences that have gotten you to where you are, and the future that lies ahead. Visualize success in each of those areas, whatever that means to you. Then plan your day out and see how you can get closer to achieving success in those areas. If you don’t have a plan, then it will be really hard to get what you want.

Focus and effort

If anyone is an international example of success, Dwayne Johnson has to be in the conversation among the most relevant at this time. He has said, “Success at anything will always come down to this – focus and effort.”

After thinking about it, any amount of limited success that I’ve had has come as the result of those two things. And there is a positive correlation as well…The more focus and effort you put into something, the greater the results will be. You have to put in work for something to work. And you can’t do it inconsistently either. You have to focus on it, otherwise you are basically starting from scratch every time.

For example: Imagine working out once per week. You might get marginally healthier, but if your goal is to be as physically fit as possible, you’re not going to see the results you want. You have to go consistently, with a clear objective, and work hard towards achieving those goals.