Talent isn’t everything

Everyone loves talent. Everyone loves natural ability. It’s enticing. “Think of everything that person could do! If they applied themselves, their potential is limitless!”

It’s easy to get caught up in hiring very talented individuals, even if their track record shows that talent doesn’t necessarily equate to performance OR when there is someone else who is nearly as capable, gives better effort, but is less talented. Why does this happen? Because they appear to have a much lower ceiling for what they can achieve. In fact, they may already have “overachieved” based on their talent profile.

But that kind of thinking is where we get it all wrong. Effort, attitude, and fit is what you need to look for when hiring someone. Let’s review why hiring for these three qualities will lead to a better team/company in the future.

Regarding effort…When you hire someone, you want to know that they will try to work their hardest, not just to suck up to you, but because that’s who they are as a person. Look at other actions they take in their lives. Do they do what they should be doing, even when it’s not what they want to be doing? Are they ok performing the mundane, yet necessary tasks, that need to get done to succeed? And are they performing those tasks well instead of just going through the motions? Consistent, high quality effort will take an individual far.

Regarding attitude…What good is hiring someone who is talented and gives good effort, but they have such a poor attitude that nobody on the team wants to work with them? They’re an individual superstar, but to the team they are a cancer. Not only does their poor attitude affect people’s mood and behavior when they are around that person, but sometimes it can suck the energy out of the office just with them in the building. Instead, look to hire people who are optimistic, who are curious, and who are looking for feedback. They should be willing to accept criticism and not allow themselves to get into a bad mood when things don’t go their way.

Regarding fit…Would you be ok spending 40 hours per week with this person? Do they fit into the culture of the team (or can you see the possibility of them fitting in)? If you try to fit a round peg into an oval hole, you might be able to make it work for a little while. But to have the best fit, where there are no gaps and no places that overlap, you need to find an oval peg for that oval hole. The harmony (synergy) in your office will translate to better production because when people try hard, have a positive attitude, and like each other, their co-workers will pitch in when needed and they can all help each other (and the company) grow/succeed.

Talent is great. I’m not saying to not hire talented people. In fact, if you can find a supremely talented individual who also has a great work ethic, positive attitude, and fits with your team, you just hit the jackpot. But what I am saying is that talent is only part of the equation, and too often it is too heavily weighted when making a decision to hire someone. Next time you go to make a hire, don’t be overly impressed by their resume, but instead take the time to interview them, to get to know them and their work ethic, and see how they fit with your team. If they can check off those other boxes, hire them. Talent is overrated. As long as you have a good training system in place, work ethic, attitude, and fit can overcome many obstacles.


“A happy life exists not in the absence of hardships, but in the mastery of them.” – Helen Keller

What better feeling than facing a challenge and overcoming it? If you don’t know the taste of defeat, how much can you really enjoy victory? Of course, I’d rather win than lose, but it’s because I’ve lost before that winning means so much. When Michael Jordan finally defeated the Pistons, after years of them beating him, do you think that meant a lot more than winning any other playoff series?

Do not avoid facing challenges. Don’t run away from them. Often, they are what you need to do the most. And even if you do not accomplish everything you set out to do, it will bring you more happiness knowing that you tried to do something about it rather than wondering “what if…”

Choosing your attitude

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Franklin

Don’t play the victim in your life story. Things will always happen that are outside of your control, they won’t go according to how you’d like them to go, but you can always choose your response the what happens. You can always choose your attitude towards any set of circumstances.

Don’t give anybody else power over your feelings and attitude. Nobody can make you “feel” a certain way. Only you have that power…whether you relinquish that power to somebody else is up to you.

Choosing your attitude

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Franklin

Don’t play the victim in your life story. Things will always happen that are outside of your control, they won’t go according to how you’d like them to go, but you can always choose your response the what happens. You can always choose your attitude towards any set of circumstances.

Don’t give anybody else power over your feelings and attitude. Nobody can make you “feel” a certain way. Only you have that power…whether you relinquish that power to somebody else is up to you.

Making friends and winning disagreements

“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” – Abraham Lincoln

There are two ways you can defeat your enemies. The way most people think of defeating an enemy is by overpowering them and forcing them to either give up or acquiesce to your demands. But that is not the best way to destroy an enemy. Because by doing that, you will create bitterness and keep the enemy around, even if you are not actively battling them.

Instead, the better way to defeat an enemy now by making peace with them. By making them your friends, you no longer have an enemy and you can still achieve what you want. It is much easier to reason with a friend who knows and trusts you than an enemy who thinks you are laying a trap for them. Befriending an enemy is the best solution because it is not only good for the short term, but for the long term as well.

Next time you disagree with someone, ask yourself what is the best way to resolve your dispute? Is it to ridicule them or make their ideas or morals seem inferior to yours? Or is it to befriend them and gently win them over to your way of thinking? Isn’t it more likely for someone to dig in their heels and vehemently defend their opinion (even if it was only loosely held initially) when you attack that opinion – putting them on the defensive? Instead of doing this and putting their reputation and intelligence on the line (which, of course they will argue to defend), try to win them over softly. You’ll find this to be much more effective.