Compound interest – thought about in another way

“All the benefits in life come from compound interest — money, relationships, habits — anything of importance.” – Naval Ravikandt

If you want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you’re not just going to work out really hard for three months then have the body of a champion bodybuilder. You have to put in the time and effort for the long haul. The same applies to nearly anything in life. To become a master of anything, you must treat your training (and habits) as if you are running a marathon. Improve little by little. Improve just 1% consistently, working towards your goals everyday and you will go further than most of those around you. If you want to write a book, start by writing a chapter, a paragraph, a single sentence. Every journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

If you want to be the best mom/dad, it’s not about taking your children on that one vacation each year and then not really seeing them throughout the rest of the year. Instead, it’s about your daily interactions with them.

It’s not what you do once, but it’s the “compound interest” from your efforts over time that will make you rich.