Creating win-win scenarios

How can you get what you want, while still helping other people get what they want? Does it sound impossible to you? What many people fail to understand is that it doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game, where one person/team wins and the other loses. If you dig down to the root cause of the issue and try to solve for that, you can find win-win solutions, where you and the other party both get what you want. If you have an abundance mindset, where you think that “there’s always more where that came from,” you can achieve more in life because you’ll be working towards these win-win scenarios, and be more likely to “win” more often.


1. You’ll have a more positive outlook in life. If you look for ways to positively impact other’s lives, you will begin to focus on finding positive solutions. You won’t be so cynical and feel like you have to hoard more money, information, etc. to get ahead. Instead, it will be the opposite…sharing those same resources will move you further.

2. You are liberated (instead of limited) by your beliefs. If you believe that you and the other party can both achieve what you want, overcoming obstacles won’t be a problem. If you believe you can do it, you will find a way to make it happen. But if you argue for your limitations, they will be yours. What you believe becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

3. Helping others will encourage them to help other people as well (including yourself). As you see this exponential increase in generosity in your network (whether its at work, home, church, or neighborhood), you will notice less complaining, happier attitudes, and greater overall productivity.