Having a plan for your life includes having a plan for your death.
Make sure that you’re living responsibly so that if you die tomorrow that your family is taken care of. Life can be taken from us at any moment. If yours is taken from you, will your spouse be ok financially? Will your children (if they’re minors)?
Live within your means, invest only in what you understand, and make sure that you have enough life insurance to cover 10x your annual income (if you still have dependents). That way if you are taken from this world prematurely, while your family may not be ok mentally with your passing, at least they’ll be ok financially.
In addition to setting up life insurance, make sure that you also set up your estate documents. You should have your Last Will & Testament, Medical Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, and Living Will completed. This will leave no room for interpretation and will tell your loved ones what you want done when you are incapable of making decisions. This should help to minimize any tension between family members who have different ideas about what should happen with your money, your kids, etc. It will provide clarity to them. And, if you know that something may not align with someone’s ideals, try to address it with them while you’re still around. Don’t make your spouse do it.