The next time something bad or unexpected happens to you, don’t play the victim card. Be the hero that overcomes defeat.
If something happens to someone you care about, focus on being their guide. It is not you who needs to be the hero of this story, but rather the guide who helps the hero on his/her journey. Help to put them in a position to overcome their current struggles. When you help them do that, they will realize that the power to overcome defeat is within them. But if you solve the problem for them, you’re not helping in the long run. You’re teaching them that they need someone else to solve their problems.
For example, if someone lost their job, offer to introduce them to people with whom you’re connected. Don’t just offer them money to get through this tough time. Giving someone money, while generous, is like the parable of giving a man a fish to eat. When you give a man a fish to eat, he has food for one meal. But if you teach that man how to fish, he will be able to provide many meals for himself and his family.
Help others by being their guide, not the hero of their story.