Look for the good in every person and in every situation. When you “judge” those around you, you are missing the point. Everyone has their own strengths and their own weaknesses. More than likely, they have different strengths than you. This is fantastic – especially in a work environment.
If everyone at your company had the same strengths and the same weaknesses, your company’s potential would be limited, as everyone would excel (or fail) at the same thing. But if your co-worker could save you from your weaknesses, and you from theirs, the team suddenly fills the gaps. Where there was a chink in the armor, now there is none.
If you focus on what someone else is lacking, you are not doing the team any justice. What you focus on gets amplified. So if that person is “bad” at something, and that’s all you focus on, that’s all you’re going to see. Never mind the fact that they’re probably much better than you in other areas – you’re just choosing not to see those aspects.
Instead of trying to find out where someone else is deficient, try to look within. Where are you lacking? What can you improve?
It is important to understand where you are weak (maybe even conducting a S.W.O.T. test for yourself – finding your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). That’s for you. But when dealing with others, you should be optimistic, have a good attitude, and to encourage those around you to be better, not to tear them down.
Focus on what you need to do to improve/help the team and less on what other team members are doing or not doing. Learning how to do this will leave you less frustrated as the days progress.