Overcoming adversity

For those of you struggling through COVID-19, whether you are affected by the virus itself or the methods being implemented to flatten the curve, Hal Elrod has an affirmation from The Miracle Morning that can put this situation into proper perspective. His “overcoming adversity” affirmation goes like this…

“I know that where I am in my life, now, is both temporary and exactly where I need to be to learn what I must learn, so that I can become the person I need to be to create the life I truly want. Even when life is difficult – especially when life is difficult – the present moment is always an opportunity for me to learn, grow, and become better than I’ve been before. Just as others have done, I can turn my adversity into an advantage by accepting all that is outside my control – past, present, and future – so that I can give myself the freedom from emotional pain, be at peace, and create the life I truly want.”

Obviously, the struggle is real with COVID-19. People are dying and I do not take that lightly. But if you are young and relatively healthy, do not let yourself get down and out due to circumstances that are outside of your sphere of control. You cannot control if a loved one gets the virus, but you can control your actions to minimize your risk of getting it and spreading it to others. You can’t control if the government places a stay at home order, or if your job is furloughed, but you can control what you do with your time at home.

Mr. Money Mustache’s “Advanced Circle of Control.”

Make the most of this time now. Work on improving your relationships with others. Even if you can’t be with them in person (remember, stay six feet away!), you can reach out to them to see how they’re doing. Work on improving your home life – with your significant other, your children, your pets. What can you do today to be the best husband/wife possible? Or the best mom/dad possible? Work on improving your physical health, your mental health, your spiritual health, and your financial health. I think you get the point here. Use this time to your advantage. Your situation is temporary, but it is where you need to be to become the person you’ve dreamed of becoming. Overcome your adversity and be the hero of your journey!

Just like The Rolling Stones sang way back when…”You can’t always get what you want. You get what you need.”