Positive energy in the workplace

The more positive your outlook is, and the more encouraging you are as a leader (think of a nurturing parent), the more you will energize the workforce around you. The positive energy from those around you will then feed back to you, which will create a self-perpetuating system that leads to improved work performance. After all, who does their best work when they feel that they have to walk on eggshells around their co-workers (or worse, around their boss)?

When you have a positive work environment, co-workers will be more likely to offer suggestions or come up with new ideas, because they don’t fear being chastised by others.

With a positive work environment, co-workers care more about their team. Their team becomes a second family. And when they care more, they’ll go the extra mile to achieve for their team.

Once negativity creeps into the workplace, it will encourage others to stay quiet, not to speak up/contribute, and to look to serve themselves, NOT the team.

Just remember, you can’t force anyone else to be positive. The only person whose actions you can control is your own. Be the positive force that you would want to work with and watch as your surrounding environment is transformed around you.