Being proud of the work you do is commendable. You gave your best effort and are happy with the result. Be proud of the effort that you put in to achieve that result. But be careful to not let pride (or ego) of your work get too strong. If you notice yourself getting defensive or unable to take constructive criticism, it’s probably because the criticism is getting in the way of your ego, and your ego doesn’t like it.
We all have egos. We think of ourselves – how this or that action affects us. How other people perceive us. How we perceive ourselves. But if you build up this notion that you are better than others, you’re in for a rude awakening. In his book Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday says “When you focus on and bask in the glory of your talents and strengths, your self-confidence often becomes the self-absorption, arrogance, and fantasy that stifles your growth.”
If your pride/ego is too large, it will hinder you. It can come in the form of arrogance, where you think too highly of yourself and disregard others’ opinions or ideas. It can cause you to take risks that are unnecessary, just to prove to others how great you are. You can look like a know-it-all and shut down your team around you.
Your ego can stop you from asking questions for fear of looking dumb, which ironically puts you further behind because you still don’t fully comprehend what someone was talking about.
Your ego can turn others away from you because they know that you only have your own interests at heart. You will use them – stepping on or over them to get to where you want to be.
So how can you try to keep your ego in check? Be cautious when accepting compliments. They feel good, but little-by-little, they are building your self-image up. The next time someone compliments you, just say thank you and move on.
Be humble. Realize that no matter how good you are, you can always improve. And remember that on your best days, you’re never as great as you think you are, and on your worst days, you’re never as bad as you think you are.