Respect and appreciation

People will work hard for you if they feel you respect and appreciate them. I know, it’s not a profound statement, but I feel that it often gets overlooked in today’s environment.

If you disrespect someone, apologize. Don’t let your ego make a bad situation worse by not apologizing. Just like Dale Carnegie says in How to Win Friends and Influence People, “If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.” This is easy to see for most people, and while some may have a difficult time admitting when they’re wrong, they at least understand that they should apologize.

But what if you’re not disrespectful to anyone? Does that guarantee that you’ll have loyalty from your co-workers or employees? The answer to this question is, no. In addition to being respecting, they also need to feel appreciated.

If someone you’re working with is trying hard and working smart towards achieving their goals, thank them. Take time to celebrate little wins. Do this privately AND publicly, but make sure that it feels genuine. Be specific with your praise and avoid giving out generic commendations. You don’t have to set a schedule (i.e., every Thursday at 9 a.m. I’ll tell John he did well on something). Instead, try to be aware of what they are stressing out about. Have they been working really hard on a project and just completed it? Did they close a particularly difficult sale?

They may just be doing their job, but regular encouragement can reinvigorate them. Charles Schwab once said, “The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” I’ve found this statement to be true in many areas of life, not just work. Do you ever remember being a kid and having a parent, coach, or teacher say that you did something well? All you wanted to do after that was keep up the good work. You worked harder, because now that’s who you’ve become. You’re the kid who is good at ______.

We all crave to be appreciated – by our significant others, friends, co-workers, and bosses. If you truly want to bring out the best in someone, always treat them with respect and regularly let them know you appreciate them. If they can “feel the love,” they will stay with you for a long, long time.