Small efforts repeated daily

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily.” Think of the fable with the tortoise and the hare. The hare is a sprinter. This is the person who gets really into a gym routine for 2-months then you don’t see them again until their next New Years resolution. The tortoise is a metaphorical marathoner. Slow and steady effort allows him to not “burn out”…this is the key. If something is good for you, do it everyday. But do it so you don’t burn out or stress out – do it in moderation.

30-60 minutes of working out or being active daily is better in the long run than a 3-hour gym session done once or twice per week. What is more sustainable? Will your body, mind, and soul be able to keep up with your actions?

Take time to reflect on your short- and long-term goals. Then start taking regular action towards those goals. You’re not going to make huge strides towards your goals every day. It’s not possible. But if you are regularly making slow and steady progress towards achieving them, it will be more sustainable and less discouraging. It may seem that things are going too slowly for you, but ultimately slow is smooth and smooth is fast.