The Four Agreements

I was introduced to “The Four Agreements” by listening to the Joe Rogan Experience, where Joe has brought up the book several times on podcasts. The book was published in 1997, but really gained popularity after Oprah endorsed it on her show back in 2001.

The main idea of the book is that we operate in a way that everything we do is based on these four agreements we have with ourselves, with others, and with God. Depending on how we view these agreements, they can be a source of great joy or of great suffering. Ultimately, it is up to us to choose. We may stray from the path occasionally, but it’s always important to get back on the right track because that’s the kind of person we are. Below is a brief summary of the four agreements we need to prioritize in order to live the best life we can.

1. Be impeccable with your word.

If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Otherwise you’re not only eroding others’ trust in you, but you’re eroding your trust in yourself. Eventually, your words will mean nothing if you fail to keep your promises.

2. Never take anything personally.

This works in two ways.

The first way is that if someone says something hurtful to you, it’s not necessarily a reflection of you, but rather it’s a reflection of the one criticizing you. They may be operating out of a place of fear, jealously, anger, inadequacy, etc. Don’t take their potentially hurtful words to heart, because they don’t mean anything. The other person is trying to wound you or to get under your skin. If you allow them to do this, you’re giving them power over you by “making” you feel a certain way.

But the other way this statement works is that the criticism of you might be true. Open your mind to see if there is a grain of truth in what the other person is saying and work to improve your weaknesses. Don’t shut down when receiving feedback, but use it to strengthen yourself.

In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in virtue-signaling, in being easily offended, or in trying to be more of a victim than the next person. Choose not to be offended. Choose not to let someone dictate your mood or to influence your self-worth in a negative way.

3. Don’t make assumptions.

Have you ever assumed someone said something, but it was because they didn’t like you or had some other meaning behind their words? Have you assumed their intent? This happens to me with text messages all the time. It’s always best to communicate in person, where you can hear the inflection and tone of their voice, see their facial features, read their body language, and understand the circumstances better. But through text, so much of that is lost. When you are unclear about someone’s words or actions, ask them about it. Dig deeper. But give them space or time, if needed. They may have said something because they were hangry, because the kids were acting up and they were distracted or trying to answer you quickly, maybe they were distracted. We don’t know what is happening around them or within them at any given moment, especially if we’re not physically with them. Don’t make assumptions (and, going back to the second agreement, don’t take it personally).

4. Always do your best.

You won’t always be the winner. You’re not always going to be the best at what you’re trying to do. But you can always try your best with the skills you currently have. If you always do your best, you can move forward without having regrets. But if you do less than you know you’re capable of, you’ll be more likely to wonder “what if” and to think of the possibilities of what could have been.

Less, but better

Focus more on quality (of experiences and of items), not quantity.

Why do you want a bunch of junk? Just because you’re getting more of something doesn’t make it better. In fact, having a surplus of worthless items creates more clutter, more stress, and more work for you.

Even is you consider a less extreme example, why would you want many mediocre items to manage or care for when you can gain more time back and improve your experience by having higher quality items?

Sometimes, less is more. Focus on having less material items to care for, but making sure that the ones you do have bring joy to you, serve a purpose, and are of the best quality you can reasonably afford.

Changing your perspective like this will change your life

“Nothing is perfect in life. Trying to make things perfect is the foolish mistake. It’s about trying to manage things as they are and as they come.” – Paraphrased from Andrew Santino on The Joe Rogan Experience (podcast).

There is no such thing as perfect, so don’t drive yourself crazy trying to have a “perfect” life. Life is amazing because of its imperfections. When the kids are acting up, when the dishes aren’t done, when the house is a mess and the toys aren’t put away…that’s part of the trade off of having kids. But I wouldn’t change any part about it.

Yes, we should focus on teaching them to pick up after themselves, to treat themselves and others with respect, to not throw tantrums, and to help with chores around the house, but if we only focus on what’s “wrong,” we overlook so much of what is right.

We are fortunate to have kids – so many people can’t. We are fortunate that we’re healthy – so many people aren’t. We are fortunate to call a place home – so many people are homeless. We are fortunate to have a job – so many people are jobless.

If we focus on what we don’t have, we’ll lose what’s right in front of us. And no matter how much we have, it will never seem like it’s enough. But if we focus on what we do have, we won’t even notice what we’re “missing.”

Being bored is a good thing

We need silence for creativity. We need to be ok being bored. In today’s world, it is so easy to try to avoid being bored at all costs. Whether we are listening to the radio, a podcast, an audiobook, watching TV, playing video games, reading, hanging out with others, the list goes on and on. But sometimes we just need to be by ourselves and not have anything on to distract us. It’s during the quiet times that we will often come up with the best ideas.

Think about what is causing you the most trouble or pain. Now think of ways to minimize that pain, not by avoiding it, but by eliminating it. This will not only increase your happiness, but if it’s a common problem for many people, it could actually improve others’ lives too.

Slow down when reading

“To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” – Edmund Burke

I used to do exactly this. In my conquest for self-improvement, I tried to consume as much information as quickly as possible. Podcasts and audiobooks on 1.5x speed, trying to read as many physical books as I could within a given time period, watching YouTube videos relevant to my field of study, etc.

But what I unintentionally missed was that, if I didn’t slow down and contemplate on what I just read, I didn’t dig deep enough to truly understand the whole idea. I understood basic concepts and surface level ideas, but couldn’t clearly articulate them. If you want to master something, you have to know it inside and out. And if you’re only going for volume/high quantity, you’re missing out on the true knowledge (quality). Dig deeper to understand more. Question what you read, don’t take it at face value. Play devil’s advocate. What would someone who supports that idea say? What would someone who disagrees with that idea say? What evidence is there to verify this idea and was that evidence cherry-picked or is it an accurate reflection of the truth?

The point here is to not rush to check another book off of your reading list. Slow down. If you’re reading to learn, then do it right the first time. Take your time, read, reflect, question, answer, discuss, and continue reading.