Changing priorities and opinions

People will change as a result of the circumstances that surround them. We all do, and we all should, as our priorities change.

If you are the same person now that you were 10 years ago, ask yourself, why? Are you still learning and growing? Do you only care for yourself or do you have others to care for now? It’s OK that people change over the years. If they didn’t, that wouldn’t be normal. I would hope that your beliefs from when you’re 18 years old and not allowed to legally drink change when you’re a 30-year old with kids, a 50-year old starting to think about retirement, or a 75-year old thinking about the future of your grandkids when you’re gone.

Your core values, morals, and ethics should be constant. But don’t demonize a person for changing their mind on specific topics. As they are presented more information, they should be receptive to changing their thoughts based on the new information they’ve received.

Be you and let others be them…

March to the beat of your own drum. Don’t just do you things because you think that’s what someone your age should be doing or how they should be acting. Be your authentic self and don’t get mad at others for being their authentic selves, even if their thoughts/actions doesn’t align with what you believe in.

Remember that most people are good people, but they have had different experiences that help shape their thoughts. They want what’s best for themselves and their community and they probably have different ideas from you as to how to get there. Withhold judgment of others and focus on being the best, most forgiving version of yourself.