Don’t sell yourself short. You can accomplish so much more if you just set your mind to it. Most people just coast through life. They take the path of least resistance. What makes you feel comfortable? What makes you feel uncomfortable? What goals do you have (if any)? Do your goals scare you (“stretch goals”) or are they more of a checklist? Do you review your goals regularly? Do you set your intentions every morning to make sure you move a little closer to those goals every day?
Dream big. Set BHAGs (big, hairy, audacious goals)…at the very least, you’ll miss on your goal of 10X-ing where you’re at and maybe you only get to 7X or 5X. But that’s still better than setting a goal of 2X and not being motivated to hit it.
Big dreams, goals, and questions require big effort, radical thinking, and massive action. You’ll need a BIG answer to achieve what you want and are capable of achieving.