Be aware of how much money you need to live the kind of life you want.
Do you have enough money to pay for healthy food, pay your mortgage payment, pay your utilities (water, gas, electric), pay for your vehicle upkeep (gas, tires, oil changes, etc), and pay for some niceties? Do you have enough money to add to your 6-month emergency fund and to go towards investing in your future?
Don’t get caught up trying to keep up with the Joneses. Don’t get caught with lifestyle creep. Don’t get caught buying things that bring you no value – no happiness, no enjoyment, that hinder your health, etc.
But also, if you’re not a “spender,” don’t always get caught up in trying to accumulate “more.” It’s talked about less frequently because less people have this issue. But why are you always chasing money? When will enough be enough (especially if you never spend it or use it)?
Money is a tool. We can use it to improve our lives. But it shouldn’t be our main focus. Work so that you can live. Don’t live so you can work…there is more to life than just working. Don’t miss out on all that the world has to offer.