The dichotomy of comfort

We are creatures of comfort. We like comfort. When we’re comfortable, we feel content. These are the positive aspects of comfort.

But if we’re not careful, striving just to be comfortable will more than likely mean striving to be mediocre.

We get the most out of ourselves when we push ourselves past our comfort zone. The only way to get better is by mastering the old while still experiencing the new. We have to fall down to get back up. We need to face our fears and overcome adversity. The more we learn to handle, the more unbreakable we make ourselves.

So while we aim for comfort for a little while, just make sure you’re not staying there too long. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Accidentally choosing mediocrity

In my quest to be great at all things, I become mediocre in them. I have to choose…just like I can’t reach my peak strength while also having the best endurance, I must prioritize what is most important to me. Do I want to be a powerlifter, a bodybuilder, or a marathoner? If I choose to be all three that’s fine. It may be the best overall for my health (being well-rounded), but I will limit my success in all of them by choosing to do all three simultaneously. If I want to compete to be the best in any of them, I must focus on only one.

One way to try to circumvent choosing only one is to have overlap in the things in which I want to be great. Figure out what each thing has in common…do they have similar training schedules so I’m not spending more time, effort, or money than I need to? If I can maximize my efficiency and effectiveness, I may be able to reach my potential in multiple tasks at once. But if they are very different (requiring different skill sets, training schedules, etc.), I will be limited by my resources (time, energy, money) and not be able to compete as well as I want.

Finding Success

How do you find success? Figure out what it is that most people know they should be doing, then do it.

For example, how do you get a six pack or get into the best shape of your life? You eat well and exercise regularly. But in order to really stand out from everyone else, you have to do what very few people are willing to do. The same can be said for anything in business as well. That which is difficult often does not have many people do it. Or people are willing to do it for a short period of time but don’t stick with it.

Hard work performed with focus, integrity, and perseverance will take you a long way. The more specific you are, the better results you will see. Focus completely on mastering one or two things first before trying to do everything. Otherwise you are more likely to be mediocre at everything you’re trying.

Fitting in? Or being different?

“Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.” – Tim Ferriss

Embrace being different. Everyone is different in their own ways, but don’t be different just to get attention. Be different because you actually believe in what you’re doing and saying. Be different because that’s the real you and you are enjoying being yourself. Do things differently than the majority because you are striving to improve your life in some sense. Why would you try to be the same as everyone else? Why blend in with the crowd to the point where you’re completely unnoticed?

“Tetris teaches us that when you try to fit in, you’ll disappear.” – Alexus Pajitnov

I love one quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger. He said, “The worst thing I could be is the same as everyone else.” I believe that. Let’s look at some stats to see what “everyone else” is doing and why it’s better for your health to do the opposite…

The United States has an obesity rate of about ~35% and has an additional ~35% of the population is considered overweight. So you are considered to be overweight if you’re the “average” U.S. citizen. Why are we getting so big? If you listen to what everyone usually says, it’s because they have no time to work out or that eating healthy is too expensive.

Well, according to a Nielsen report, in 2017, the average citizen watched about 4 hours of tv per day! Yet somehow they have “no time” to work out, to cook a healthy meal, or to work on our physical fitness in a meaningful way.

Why would you want to follow the herd in this case? Why be “normal?” People will think that you’re weird if you work out daily, if you order a salad when going out to eat, or if you’re not up to speed on the latest Netflix series. You need to be ok with that. Because you aren’t being different just to be “weird.” You’re being different because you have found a better way to improve your life…a way that is more effective AND more fun.

People will call you crazy (sometimes to your face, other times behind your back). But who cares what other people think about YOUR life? Who should care the most about the quality of your life? You. And who can influence the outcome of your life the most? You. Don’t live your life only seeking the approval of others, otherwise you’ll never be happy.

Being a specialist, not a generalist

You need to specialize, to master one thing before trying to become everything to everyone. If your business/company is mediocre at ten things, but not great at anything, the only time people will choose you is if it is convenient. Otherwise they will go to the specialist.

For example, say your best attribute is that your price is low. It’s low, but not the lowest (maybe it’s the third lowest in town). For those customers who only care about price, they’re not going to go to you. They will go to the lowest price in town. There is minimal benefit to being the third lowest competitor in town. Instead, what you’ve done by trying to out-Walmart Walmart is cut your prices to the point that you have no profit and no margin for error.

Choose to specialize. Once you become a master of one thing and you’re known for it, you can more easily retain customers looking for that and then slowly expand and try to capture another specialized market. But remember, when you expand, choose only one area at a time to grow towards and master that next area. You can never become everything to everyone, so don’t try to be.