Perception, reactions, and our reality

“Reality is neutral. Our reactions reflect back and create our world. Judge, and feel separate and lonely. Anger, and lose peace of mind. Cling, and live in anxiety. Fantasize, and miss the present. Desire, and suffer until you have it. Heaven and hell are right here, right now.” – Naval Ravikandt

Change your perception, change what you focus on, and that becomes your reality. Be happy with what you have, but hungry for improvement. Not having many “needs” is an easy way to be content with what you have. Being inspired, dreaming, and wanting to reach your full potential is an easy way to continue to want progress.

Ask yourself these two questions when goal-setting

When you’re developing your goals, you should be clear on why you want to achieve these goals. You should also follow the S.M.A.R.T. acronym (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based). But after all that, you should ask yourself these two questions:

If not me, then who? If not now, then when?

Your goals are not going to be achieved if you’re not taking action to make them happen. If you don’t make that phone call, talk with that person, let others know about “x,” wake up early to go workout or read or master your craft, etc. who is going to do it for you? If you’re not going to do them right now, when will you prioritize them? Don’t keep procrastinating. If your goals are truly important, you’ll find the time or make the time to do the activities (to follow the process goals) that help you get the results you want.