Big fish in a little pond

It can feel good being a big fish in a little pond. Everything you do is recognized. You’re respected and have the admiration of others. It’s a nice ego boost.

But if you really want to put things in perspective, you need to go to a bigger pond to see that there are other fish out there that a bigger, faster, etc.

Don’t limit yourself by staying comfortable. If you’re not willing to test the waters elsewhere, you’ll likely stay in your comfort zone and not grow to your full potential.

In the end, you’ll have to make a decision – do you want to stay where you’re on a pedestal or do you want to find new challenges?

Experience makes things easier

Whenever you first encounter a new problem, it can seem overwhelming. You don’t know what to do. Trying to find the right answer or response is hard. But once you figure it out, once you’ve experienced it, the next time you face that problem, it will seem easier. But the obstacle hasn’t changed, only your ability to overcome that obstacle has.

The obstacle is what it is. How you (and others) view it depends on what it is in comparison to. Your experience has shaped you and helped strengthen you, making the “hurdle” that is the obstacle appear to shrink. And over time, as you continue clearing the hurdle with relative ease, it will seem even smaller.

So, as you face new challenges, keep that in perspective. It may seem like a massive undertaking today, but you’ll look back at this in a year and wonder why you thought it was such a big deal.