People are usually capable of doing much more than they currently are. And if we give them responsibilities and authority, many of them will step up to the challenge.
When looking to move someone into a leadership role, first look at their character. Then look to see if they have the respect of their peers. Finally, ask yourself if you believe they can be the leader your team needs (with some guidance and direction). Do they have the ability to succeed in this role? If they’re not quite ready for it right now, will they be soon or can we help them grow into it?
If they pass these three “tests” then they should be considered for the position regardless of whether they have the most experience/seniority. Sometimes experience helps, but sometimes it can stagnate things.
Lastly, if you are hiring someone, promoting them, making them captain of a team, etc, don’t micromanage them. If you believed in their ability to get the job done, let them do it. Did they earn the job or not? Provide tips and constructive criticism when needed, and make sure they know they can go to someone when they need help. But you take away their authority when you micromanage them (others see it and eventually lose respect for their new puppet leader).