Responding to the haters

Leave the hurtful, mean-spirited comments from others on the ground like it’s a flaming bag of dog turd. Even if you stomp it out (by responding), you’ll carry around the smell of poop with you.

Ignore the haters. Know who you are and which people’s opinions you actually value. Don’t get too high or too low by the feedback from those who don’t know you or care about you.

Don’t respond to the haters.

Responding to failure

“Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it.” – Mia Hamm

How do you respond to failure? Do you mope around or let it get you down? Or do you learn from it – what not to do or where it went wrong? What actions can you take in the future to avoid making the same mistake?

Be ok with failing. Everyone will fail at something. But just make sure you’re making adjustments along the way so as to not make the same mistake twice.

Choosing your attitude

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Franklin

Don’t play the victim in your life story. Things will always happen that are outside of your control, they won’t go according to how you’d like them to go, but you can always choose your response the what happens. You can always choose your attitude towards any set of circumstances.

Don’t give anybody else power over your feelings and attitude. Nobody can make you “feel” a certain way. Only you have that power…whether you relinquish that power to somebody else is up to you.

Choosing your attitude

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Franklin

Don’t play the victim in your life story. Things will always happen that are outside of your control, they won’t go according to how you’d like them to go, but you can always choose your response the what happens. You can always choose your attitude towards any set of circumstances.

Don’t give anybody else power over your feelings and attitude. Nobody can make you “feel” a certain way. Only you have that power…whether you relinquish that power to somebody else is up to you.