Expectations when at the top and at the bottom

These two sayings are slightly related, but are coming from opposite ends of the spectrum.

The first is a slightly modified saying from Shakespeare. “Heavy is the head that wears the 👑 ,” refers to the weight of responsibility that one feels being the leader.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. ​
Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

This saying can also be interpreted as having so much expected of you when you’re “at the top.” In sports, you can see this at the team level when the opponents bring their “A” game to every matchup of the previous season’s championship winner. The defending champs have to bear the weight that comes with high expectations.

The other quote is from Gary Vaynerchuck. He says that “being underestimated is a gift.” In this case, you don’t have expectations from others placed on you and your responsibilities may be limited. Take advantage of this because you are able to work in the dark. It’s so much easier to exceed expectations and to impress when you are underestimated.

Being underestimated is a gift. Stop trying to convince, just execute. ​
Being underestimated is a gift. Stop trying to convince, just execute.

Regardless of where you are in this spectrum (the boss/leader wearing the crown or the new employee starting at the bottom of the totem pole), put on your blinders and go to work. Focus on what you can control and execute that to the best of your ability. If you do the right thing long enough and consistently enough, eventually you can work your way to the top.