Clarity through simplification

Simplify to clarify.

If you can answer a question completely in 7 words, don’t use 8. If you can use the most simple language that even a child can understand, don’t use fancy words to possibly confuse others. If you do so, you’re doing so out of your own ego. You’re signaling to others “how smart you are.” Because if you were truly smart, you would not feel the need to prove it to others. Instead, your main focus would be to pass along information as clearly and concisely as possible, so that everyone listening understands and can put it into practice.

Simplifying complex issues

Most people make simple problems and solutions very complex. Anybody can do that. Experts make the complex problems and solutions simple. They can clearly and concisely explain things in layman‘s terms and don’t have to use fancy words or industry jargon to try to prove their intelligence.

Work on listening more and speaking less. When you speak, do it clearly, concisely, and with confidence. Simplify your answer as much as is required – no more, no less.