Tomorrow is a new day

Finish each day and be done with it…tomorrow is a new day.
“Finish each day and be done with it…tomorrow is a new day.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

At the end of the day, you might have some regrets about what you did or didn’t do or what you said or didn’t say, but you have to let it go.

You can’t change that anymore.

The best thing you can do is to move on. If you feel bad about something, apologize or do something to make it right – don’t dwell on things you can’t change.

Believe in yourself

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

If you want to achieve great things, the first thing you must do is believe…believe that you can do it! Because if you don’t really think it’s possible, you’ll subconsciously look for reasons why you can’t do it instead of finding ways to do it. You might have to think outside the box to get it. You might have to follow a path someone else has already cleared. But almost assuredly, if it’s a challenging goal, you’re likely to at least stumble along the way. This is why believing that you can do it AND believing that you’re strong enough to overcome any adversity that comes your way is so important. When you inevitability make a mistake, you’ll realize it’s not permanent, and you’ll find a way to move on and grow from it.

Believe in yourself. Make a plan. Take action. Re-evaluate as necessary. Persist through difficulty. And continue to make progress towards your goal(s) every day.

Taking action to reduce anxiety

Action cures anxiety. Sitting around doing nothing but thinking about what might go wrong produces anxiety. A lot of times, the possibility of what might happen is actually worse than what does happen.

The best way to improve your situation is to do what you can. Affect the things that you can control, but don’t worry about the things that you cannot. Those things will happen one way or another and there’s nothing you can do about that. And that’s OK.

When you’re feeling lost or stuck, get moving. Take action. If it is productive action, it may move you closer to your goals. But even if it is not directly productive, it may still alleviate any anxiety you have just by distracting you.

Just do it

If you wait to start until you feel like you’re “ready,” you’ll never get started.

You’ll never be 100% ready for what happens next because we can’t predict the future. All you can do is put yourself in the best position to succeed by reading about a subject and asking others who have already accomplished what you want to do. From there, take action. Even if you’re taking baby steps, that’s better than procrastinating and always being in learning mode.

We often confuse learning with productivity. Learning is amazing, but if you don’t do anything with what you’ve learned, it should actually be re-categorized as entertainment. DOING something meaningful is productive. Make sure that you don’t confuse step one (learning) and step two (taking action to stay busy) with productivity.


School is a way to earn a degree, but it is not the only way to earn an education. There are other ways to learn, including to learn by doing. If you’ve graduated from school, or if school isn’t your thing, that doesn’t mean that you’re done learning. Learn by doing. Give yourself deadlines. Start moving and figure it out along the way. Go experience things. Get stuff done. Use your time being out of school to your advantage.