Tips to wake up happy during the early hours of the morning…
1) When your alarm goes off, get up with a smile. Be excited that you get to your work out, read, have some alone time. Don’t snooze. Don’t procrastinate.
2) Go to the bathroom and splash some cold water on your face. Run your wrists under cold water too. This will help wake you up.
3) Whatever you think about, you will become…if you think about how tired you are, you’ll remain tired. If you think about how excited you are, you’ll get excited. Train yourself to think positive thoughts.
4) Drink plenty of water. After not drinking any water for ~8 hours, your body is dehydrated. After drinking ~16+ ounces of water, then you can get something caffeinated.
5) When setting up at night before, try not to get too much screen time, review your upcoming day, drink some water (but not too much), lay out your workout clothes for the next morning, and go to bed early to make sure you get enough sleep.