Thinking about strategy, then tactics

It is easy to become so focused on what is immediately in front of us that we become unaware of our surroundings. Something unexpected comes up so we focus on new tactics to overcome that immediate obstacle. But, if we’re not careful, we will be stuck only making reactionary choices that are focused on these short term hurdles, while losing sight of our overall strategic mission (our long term goals).

If we are looking through the sights of our scope and forget to occasionally step back and detach from the situation, we can lose sight of the bigger picture. Just like the old saying goes, “you can’t see the forest for the trees.” If you’re too close to a situation, before you take massive action, make sure you zoom out (or ask for other opinions) to ensure that whatever you’re doing is moving you closer towards your long term goals. Your tactics (what you do/how you do it) need to align with your strategy (where you want to go). If they are in conflict with each other, it will be difficult to achieve what you are setting out to do.