Anger begets more anger, but love begets more love. Think back and try to remember the last time being angry helped you. I’m not talking about being annoyed enough to make a change in your life for the better. I’m talking about actually being angry with someone. When has it helped you?
The truth is, the vast majority of the time, anger doesn’t help us. When we become angry (either with ourselves or someone else), we are not only letting a past event negatively impact us, but we’re also putting ourselves in a bad mood right now.
Even worse, if we lash out at others in anger, we can damage our relationship with them. Do you think that yelling at others will garner you more respect and love? No way. It will do the opposite. It will make them angry with you. Even if they act end up doing what you want, it’s not out of respect – it’s out of fear.
But if you show them love when you’re hurting? If you explain to them how their actions made you feel? That can be a productive conversation. If you show them kindness and respect, they will probably reciprocate. And together, you and that other person can work together, focusing on resolving whatever issue is present.
Learn to control your temper. Learn to be kind to everyone. You can disagree with someone or give them honest feedback and still be nice. Be mindful of the words you say or the actions you take towards yourself and others. By doing so, you will further your relationships with others, feel less anger (because you’ll be solving issues), and live a happier life.