Types of biases

There are three types of biases that I’ve been reading about/thinking about recently. We all subconsciously are biased, but the first step to minimizing these biases is to be aware that they exist. Read the three types below to understand a little more about how we are biased and what we can do to help prevent this in the future…

1) Confirmation bias – When you want something, often times you only look for facts that support your opinion. How do you combat this? Play devil’s advocate. Instead of trying to find information that agrees with you, start by looking for credible information that disproves your theory.

2) Superiority bias – When you think that your qualities, abilities, or opinions are better than everyone else’s. What to do to avoid superiority bias? Don’t discount or disqualify someone else’s opinion just because it did not come from you or because it is not congruent with your way of thinking. Try to understand where that person is coming from. Try to see the valid points that they are making.

3) Attribution bias – When we make a mistake, we think it’s because of something outside of our control, but when others make a mistake it must be because of something they did or a character flaw that they have. Action step to take? Don’t deflect. Take ownership of the results that happen under your watch. Often times, we are too lenient with ourselves and hold others to a different standard.