Work on being a person with a high internal locus of control, not a high external locus of control.
What’s the difference between the two mindsets?
A person with a high internal locus of control feels that the decisions they make will determine their future. They believe that they have a say in how their life story plays out. They set goals and they are responsible if they achieve/don’t achieve their goals.
A person with a high external locus of control believes that their fate has already been determined. “If it’s meant to be, it will happen.” Instead of taking control of their life, they just go with the flow and let life happen to them.
I want you to become the former. I want you to be a person with a high internal locus of control. Because here’s the thing…while you don’t have 100% control over the outcomes of your life, if you don’t take responsibility for your actions (or inactions), you will never get the outcomes that you truly want. Life isn’t trying to hurt you, but it’s not looking out for you either. The best way to NOT get what you want? Don’t do anything. Stop trying and I guarantee you’ll never get what you want.
Don’t let life happen to you; take an active part in building the life that you desire! Don’t be the victim of your story; be the victor.