Why you should wake up earlier…

From Tim Ferris’s recent blog post:

The psychological difference between zero acts of creation and one act of creation, no matter how small, is impossible to overstate. If you’re lucky, sometimes that one idea, one sentence, or one shitty first draft will turn into something bigger. But the point is to be able to say to yourself, even for five minutes, “Hark! I am a creator, not just a janitor of bullshit! Here is proof that I can — and will! — do more than just manage minutiae… ”

In a recent blog post from Tim Ferriss, he talked about how we sometimes get caught up “managing minutiae” and reacting as problems pop up in our day-to-day lives.

It’s so easy to let the happenings of the day to dictate what you do, but if you do that, you’re not going to be able to work on big picture goals. If you’re always acting reactively (putting out fires) instead of proactively (taking steps toward your next goal) sometimes it feels like you’re stuck in the mud.

So what is the solution? Getting up earlier than usual…do this so you can work on something that will move you forward. Get up before the rest of the world comes calling and tries to make you conform to its agenda. The rest of the world doesn’t care about your goals, your hopes, or your dreams. If you want to make your dreams become reality, you have to carve out time to make it happen – and the best time to do that is when nobody else is vying for your attention.

So set your alarm 15-minutes earlier for tomorrow and try it out. If you’re able to create just one thing of your choosing per day, you will be much happier for it.