Be in a state on wondery, not wandering. Be curious. Be interested. Learn. Never arrive. Always improve. Don’t wander aimlessly and squander days, which turn into months and years.
If you constantly find things that interest you, life will not get boring. You’ll always be excited for what’s next and want to learn more. That’s how life should be.
Have you ever met someone that reminds you of Eeyore? They’re always pessimistic and generally depressed? This doesn’t attract other people to them (especially not positive people), which in turn continues their cycle of depression.
If you have depression, seek help. It is very serious. But if you’re just sad or stuck in a rut? Do something about it. Find something that interests you. Find a passion. My passions include my family, being outdoors, sports, working out, finance, and real estate. I can’t get enough of any of these items.
Try to find something that you love and spend more time doing that. Make goals for yourself. Be in wonder and your life will be looking up!